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The science behind ADDICTION CRAVINGS and the herbal adaptogen natural remedy that subsides the urges and squashes the “need”

Feeling triggered? Eating too much sugar, drinking too much alcohol, or using too much nicotine literally changes the brain’s chemistry, but these addictions can be replaced with natural remedies that quell the urges and replace that feeling that you “need” the crutches just to get by. Many people quit addictions, only to be dragged back into them because they get “triggered” when someone around them engages in the activity they quit, like eating sweets in front of them, drinking alcohol near them, or smoking or vaping in their vicinity.

Once addicted to sugar, alcohol, or nicotine, the human brain is wired to want it, and it would seem that there’s nothing else on the planet that can replace it, but you would be surprised. The neurotransmitter dopamine is the hormone responsible for our “feel good” chemistry, and there are ways to boost it, without using drugs, sugar, or alcohol. You don’t have to be a “repeat offender” of the addictive substances anymore, because natural remedies presented in this article are non-addictive, and come with a laundry list of health benefits. How do like “them apples?”

Dopamine teaches the brain to seek more boosts

Large surges of dopamine ‘teach’ the brain to seek more and more, but when the substance is addictive and health-damaging, the repercussions are long-term anxiety, depression, stress, mood swings, lethargy, and inability to cope without it the dopamine-boosting substance. At that point, people use alcohol, sugar, and nicotine just to feel normal, but the ‘crash’ is inevitable every time, and requires more use and abuse to temporarily escape. It’s rinse and repeat.

The addicted brain causes behavior changes that are visible in brain imaging studies, affecting memory, judgment, decision making, learning, and behavior control. The addiction creates the cravings, which can be painful, distracting, and even constant. It’s a whole-body experience with which the addicted person is quite familiar. What to do?

Get ready for the key to escaping these common addictions. No more feeling defeated. There’s a legume that grows in tropical climates. It’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Indigenous peoples grind up the beans, the roots, and the seeds, because they serve as a natural source of L-dopa, the precursor to natural dopamine production in the human body. Mucuna pruriens contain the most concentrated form of L-dopa on the planet. It is considered an herbal adaptogen and a superfood.

Many people have never heard of mucuna, until now. Plus, it doesn’t just boost dopamine. Mucuna protects the brain and reduces stress, according to scientific research. It’s also a mild aphrodisiac, and antioxidant, a mood elevator, and an energy booster.

Mucuna Pruriens – the Ayurvedic Herb for Ending Addiction Cravings

Traditional Ayurvedic herb mucuna pruriens has been used for thousands of years for its therapeutic qualities that provide balance to the nervous system and boost natural dopamine production in the human body, safely and effectively. Also known as the “dopamine bean” and “kapikacchu,” the beans of this herb yield the world’s most potent source of levodopa.

Taken as a dietary supplement in capsules, or mixed as a powder into beverages, mucuna pruriens can be substituted for nicotine, sugar, caffeine, or alcohol, and boost mood, energy, while balancing nerves. Incredible.  

Got anxiety from trying to quit an addiction? Whether you’re addicted to sugar, alcohol, or nicotine, there’s a natural remedy available to help you escape the shackles of that addiction and reward you with sustainable health benefits.

Mucuna can uplift your mood and calm your nerves. Now mucuna pruriens potent extract is available with vitamin B12 in an amazing new functional beverage called Krave Kicker. Now you can end addiction cravings naturally without having to apply endless willpower. Let the natural remedies do the work for you, and change your lifestyle for the better, starting right now.


How to “Bio-Hack” the Cigarette or Vaping Habit and End Nicotine Addiction

Nicotine is the third most addicting drug in the world, right behind cocaine and heroin. In the long term, nicotine is a depressant, but in the short term, it’s a stimulant, and it saves the smoker from what I termed the “cigarette hangover.”

Everybody knows that smoking is bad for you, but do they know why? If they did, they might understand why they’re so addicted to it, and they might be able to “bio-hack” their way out of it, and naturally.

Cigarettes, among other chemicals, contain ammonia, bleach, bug killer, and weed killer pesticides. These are the ultimate culprits of the “cigarette hangover” that comes when the nicotine wears off after just 30 to 45 minutes.

Every smoker knows that feeling when they “need” a cigarette. It’s that creeping in of nervousness, anxiousness, and a headache that will all just keep getting worse, until that new nicotine hits the heart and brain. But wait, there’s a hack for all that – and it does NOT involve using nicotine, caffeine, or sugar.

Scientific research from the Baylor College of Medicine reveals the NUMBER ONE reason smokers relapse and return to smoking after trying to quit is LOW dopamine levels. There’s a tropical herbal supplement, called mucuna pruriens*, that boosts dopamine production naturally. The L-dopa contained in the seed of mucuna is a precursor of dopamine and improves levels of dopamine in the brain.

By hacking dopamine levels without an addictive substance, the body is able to build back its normal dopamine production and the nicotine cravings are extinguished. Once the smoker has detoxified his/her body of the ammonia, bleach, and pesticides, there is no more cigarette hangover on the way, so the natural dopamine “hack” can be reduced, and the addiction cycle is broken.

The physical nicotine addiction is broken in 3 to 4 days, but the low dopamine levels must be addressed for at least two weeks, if not longer, otherwise, most smokers who quit will return to their cancer sticks as soon as stress rears its ugly head. Once they smoke just ONE cigarette, they are dragged back into the habit. That’s why the nicotine patch and nicotine gums fail 96% of people who try them, they just keep people addicted.

This “relapse” can be avoided by utilizing the natural dopamine hack that combines herbal adaptogens (superfoods) and key supplements, namely vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin, which helps balance the central nervous system.

This “bio-hack” is ideal for people trying to quit smoking or vaping, and it’s part of a proprietary formula called Krave Kicker, the world’s first truly natural nicotine alternative that kicks nicotine cravings for up to 4 hours, with zero nicotine, zero caffeine, zero sugar, and nothing artificial.


she smokes crowd

watch this and quit!

Smoking plastic, pesticide, bleach and fiberglass – The four killers that Big Tobacco never mentions

Have you ever wondered why cigarettes don’t go out in heavy wind and why they burn so evenly, all the way from one end to the other? Could it be that plastic particles are woven into the rolling paper to make your nicotine delivery device more efficient? Cellulose acetate is a form of plastic that’s commonly used for photo film and is highly flammable. It’s time to investigate what smoking plastic does to your heart, brain and central nervous system, and it’s time to understand a vicious cycle that can be broken with the right behavior modification and nutrition.

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Hitler tried to “re-educate” the Jews to believe the Nazi psycho way, and Obama wants to re-educate your children, the “U.S” capitalistic way

kid watching tube
Common Core, also known as the socialist way, is coming to your public school my friends, and who knows, it might even infiltrate the private schools too, if the price is right!

“State standards” is just a buzz phrase, which means stifling innovation, period! We’ve seen it before. Make all the kids drones, who are only capable of spitting back rote memorization, easily testable core exam questions, which involve ZERO critical thinking skills. Then make all the kids hyper or depressed with food chemicals and prescribe as many as possible with ADD, ADHD, depression and anxiety drugs to ensure they don’t succeed beyond the low income work force of America, the LIWF.

“Hitler received a tremendous nationwide exposure just as the effects of the world economic crisis hit Germany, producing mass unemployment, social dissolution, fear and indignation. With demagogic virtuosity, Hitler played on national resentments, feelings of revolt and the desire for strong leadership using all the most modern techniques of mass persuasion to present himself as Germany’s redeemer and messianic saviour.”

Sound familiar??


Education helps only a select few option better jobs, regarding quality and pay. Nowadays, even college students coming out with Master’s degrees are working at nominal jobs, like fast food, waiting tables, or public service positions. Now Obama wants to delve further into the early elementary years and control the “knowledge medicine” which fuels idiocracy. Does your child remember the exact date white people found America, or should your child be discussing how the Native Americans lived off of Mother Nature and treated North America like the beautiful treasure of organic land, plants and animals that it once was, for centuries and millenniums before Europe made boats that could survive the Atlantic?

Memorizing when the war of 1812 occurred, who’s buried in Grant’s tomb, and how long the 7 day war lasted is for the birds. How about creative writing, and essays and group discussions, philosophizing about nature, nutrition, and healing? Oh wait, that kind of knowledge is TOO hard to TEST. How could teachers be responsible for such a task, after all, they only get paid $25,000 the first few years, to work a 60 hour week and grade all those multiple choice tests that the kids fill in the circles for, like robot drone statists.

JD Heyes of Natural News writes:

“Whenever he can, President Obama likes to poke fun at anyone who suggests that he’s a closet socialist because that’s what socialists do – they ridicule anyone who tries to “out” them. And yet, every policy he pursues takes a page right out of the socialist/Marxist playbook, and one of them is to ensure that the government controls all forms of education.”

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Police atrocities continue in the U.S. while government uses actors in terror drills


The recent Boston Marathon bombings have raised serious questions about the competence of security agencies in America. However, there is always a probability that like many other terror drills, this series of bombings was also planned and executed by the government authorities. Natural News reports that the U.S. government has been using professional actors to act as victims in terror drills since 2004. According to a 2004 news article by ABC News, professional actors are used by the government to propel the government’s propaganda more vividly into the public. More on this is at .

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings the police atrocities touched a new height. All residents of Boston and the adjoining areas were ordered to stay indoors for an indefinite period of time and make it easier for the law enforcement agencies to break into houses, hold residents at gun points and do whatever they want all in the name of national security. Natural News calls it a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment, but the police “nanny” state does not seem to care. This is more like Marshal Law and American citizens are already feeling the heat of a police state. More on this is at .

Back in 2012, law enforcement agents from St. Paul Police Department in Minnesota wrongly raided the house of Roberto Franco for suspected drug dealings. But, in spite of realizing that they had raided the wrong house, the police officers continued to batter the residents while carrying out an hour long needless search. The family dog was shot and children were made to sit beside the corpse of the pet for an hour. Later Roberto charged the local police for disrupting his family and violating civil rights. In order to know more on this, visit .

Cancer causes catastrophe, Natural News has the solution

cancer food at 90 percent

If you think that cancer is only caused by smoking, you are removed from reality. Latest research shows that up to 90% of conventional foods that are consumed have such ingredients that can breed cancer in the human body. There are almost 70,000 ingredients allowed in foods that can cause cancer. So, be careful of what you eat because your food habit can push you towards cancer. Moreover, the conventional cancer treatment methods like chemotherapy actually worsen the situation rather than curing the disease. So, you have to be very selective and wise in your choice of food in order to prevent the onset of the disease in your body, reports Natural News. More at .

In the U.S. right now, cancer patients are finding it more and more difficult to be treated. The cancer clinics are not willing to extend services to those who do not have “adequate insurance coverage” as the costs of cancer “beating” drugs have touched an all time high. Most of the clinics believe that they would go out of business if they continue treating government funded patients. According to Jeff Vacirca, CEO of North Shore Hematology Oncology Associates, the clinic would be out of business in six months if it treats patients who receive expensive drugs. Know more of this at .


What is serendipitous about this situation at hand? Because cancer is causing mayhem in American society and the conventional healthcare system is unable to deal with it, it is NOW time to turn to the natural treatments that can treat cancer effectively and efficiently. The Natural News store offers a wide range of organic products that can prevent the advent of cancer quite easily. These products are devoid of any sort of chemical, preservative or additive and hence can be consumed without any fear of side effects. They are offered at a discounted price so that everyone can afford buying them. Visit the store at .

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Krave Kicker

End Addiction Cravings Naturally


The Take Down Of America